Today is just another lazy Sunday. I woke up this morning and decided that I was going to make a change. I happen to do this every day. What changes am I intent on today instead of yesterday? Nothing different than what every person wishes. To live life a little better. To take some time away from the unimportant monotonous things that become a daily ritual and turn that energy into something constructive. I'm talking about taking away from the constant thought that something important has all of a sudden posted on my Facebook, and instead organizing my room for the better. That's just an example. Perhaps it will get dirty again, or perhaps I'll decide that it will be part of my daily ritual to put things back where they belong. Maybe you already do this, but I'm sure I do some things you wish you could do.
This idea that life is a rat race seems a bit too dark for me. To conceive that every human being is competing against one another on a large scale to gain control of resources and therefore, security for tomorrow, seems a bit pessimistic. I don't think that my roommate wants to beat me to the punch more than he wants to better himself. I don't consider myself an obstacle in his endeavor any more than I consider you an obstacle to yours. I think the rat race is within ourselves, to beat the person we woke as. Making that daily progress towards a self-realized individual. While it may seem unattainable, we all strive for it. We have an inner sense that we are a good person, but always have that want to be a better person. And for those of you who have children, siblings, nephew, nieces, cousins, or any kind of the assortment of little beings who look up to you for guidance and protection, for them to be better than we were at their age.
So maybe it isn't that we are attempting to be better than everyone else, but that we are trying to be better than ourselves, for the people that need to be better than us. And that is how I view our strive for progress.